5 Things Not to Do When Getting Your Diploma Online


Going back to school and earning your high school diploma is not for the faint of heart. Even with programs like Grad Solutions, where we help you get your diploma online for free and support you throughout the process, 5% of high school students drop out each year. We believe that getting your high school diploma will change your life for the better, and we want to help you do the hard thing: return back to school and graduate. If you’re going to do it, you can set yourself up for success by avoiding these common pitfalls:

Take the easier classes first

Student studying for their diploma online

As you embark on your path toward earning your diploma, your motivation may feel high but you haven’t yet developed your learning endurance, nor have you made engaging with school a consistent habit. 

Much like your endurance as an athlete, your learning endurance is something you build up over time. If you’ve been out of school for a while or have been neglecting your study and learning habits, it’s going to take time to build back up. Mixing up your classes and doing lessons that come easy to you or that you find interesting is a great way to keep education interesting and prevent yourself from burning out early on.

Be ready for challenges

Did you know that in 2017, only 1 in 4 high school dropouts were offered support from their school with the personal barriers that were keeping them from finishing and earning their diploma? That’s not how we do things at Grad Solutions. Support is an action verb, which means we will support you in real and practical ways.  Student support at Grad Solutions includes food and housing assistance, help to find a job, one-on-one coaching, and even therapy.

But we can’t support students if we don’t what they need. Too often, students simply withdraw without a word. Don’t let embarrassment or fear stand in the way of seeking the support you need to be successful. Part of being an adult is advocating for ourselves. You’ve started the process by enrolling at Grad Solutions, don’t stop now!

Slow and steady helps you win

A caterpillar doesn’t become a butterfly in a day, and neither can we become who we dream of being overnight. Students who are looking to reinvent themselves and make massive life changes often try to do so overnight, but that rarely works. This is akin to the yo-yo dieter, making drastic declarations one day, only to crumple to a fast-food binge a few days later.

Although small steps are harder to notice at the moment, they are easier to maintain and they can ultimately help us build the lives we dream of for ourselves. For example, no one will see you committing to spending an hour a day studying - no one will see the parties you turn down or the distractions you choose to ignore. Consistent, hard work over time, however, will add up to an accomplishment that others can see - you, graduating with your high school diploma!

Answer calls from those trying to help

Our mentors and orientation counselors want to make it easier for you to get your diploma, not to guilt you about your progress! We believe your school counselor should be there for more than just disciplinary issues - they should be there to counsel you along the path to success. And while we know you can do this, it’s really hard to do all on your own - and you don’t have to. Let your mentors, orientation counselors, and teachers walk this path alongside you, and share some of the burden when it gets too heavy to carry alone.

If you have not yet enrolled as a Grad Solutions student, there has never been a better time to invest in your future. Fill out our enrollment form and someone will be in touch soon!


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