Instruction Help Desk

The Instruction Help Desk provides personalized support to meet your educational needs. Our instructors are available to answer questions and keep you on the path to earning your diploma!

Contact the help desk for:

General Assistance

We can answer questions about your class and help solve general issues.

Retakes and Resets

Contact the help desk to reset an assignment or retake a quiz.

Opening and Unlocking Exams

When you’re ready, we can open cumulative reviews or unlock exams.

Help with Connecting to a Proctor

Having trouble connecting with a proctor for a Prescriptive Test or Credit by Exam? We can assist you.

Contact Information

Can’t find the contact information for your mentor, advisor, or instructor? Our help desk can get this info for you!

What about tutoring?

Our instructors offer individualized virtual tutoring in the core subjects and electives.

To book a tutoring session with an instructor:

  • Find an email from your teacher and click the “Book with me” link in their email signature to make an appointment.

  • Or, contact the Instruction Help Desk and ask for a booking link for your teacher.

Contact the Instruction Help Desk

Available Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm MST

Please complete the form below, then you’ll receive an email from us with the virtual call information to chat with an instructor. You can video chat on your phone, tablet, or computer or call using the phone number provided.