Earning Your High School Diploma Online


I started earning my high school diploma online with Grad Solutions when I was 19 years old, and I only had a few credits left. I’ll be the first to admit—I wanted to blow through the courses and just be done. When it required some elbow grease, I procrastinated. Due to my lack of discipline and motivation, it took me a lot longer to graduate than it needed to.

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If you’re taking your first steps into earning your high school diploma online, I know it seems like a lot and it’s overwhelming, especially at first. I can promise you it is worth every minute of hard work. Before I received my diploma, I felt sad and embarrassed. I felt like there was something that was weighing me down.

Once I started my educational journey, I was excited, yet nervous. But why? This is an online thing, not going to a physical school. But I was nervous because I knew this was a step in the right direction, a step closer to my success. What I didn’t realize was that this organization was going to be a life-changer.

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I graduated in March of 2021 and walked in graduation in July. I spoke at one of the ceremonies, and I sang the national anthem. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Right after the ceremony ended, I found Jim, the CEO, and told him if there was anything I could do to help, to just let me know. From there, it took off. He asked for my resume, then an interview, and finally, I got a job offer. I accepted the offer and found myself going to Phoenix two weeks later for orientation. And now, I have the unique experience of both student and employee.

Everyone I met and spoke to at their main office was super friendly and welcoming. I have noticed everyone working for this company all share one thing—they all want to see you succeed. 

Success as an online student is not far off! We are not here for stats or to look good. We are here because we just want to give you the opportunity to succeed. Everyone is capable of success in any aspect of their life. We are just providing you the tools to reach it.


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