Trades: Unlocking Job Stability and Income Potential

If you're a Grad Solutions or Smart Schools student, it's never too early to start thinking about life after high school. 

Kiara Beneviedes is a Smart Schools graduate now on the path to a promising career as an electrician. When she enrolled in Smart Schools last November 2023, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do after high school. Her dad is a welder for the union. Like him, she knew she desired to work in a trade, but she wasn't sure which.  

She connected with the College Depot at her local library and learned about an apprenticeship program at GCU. Derek Peterson from the Next Steps team and other people in Smart Schools encouraged her to go for it. She started the program a week later. 

Fifteen weeks is the duration of Kiara’s apprenticeship. It's all state-funded and paid, so there is no tuition for students to pay, but you do need to attend in person. She sees a lot of people from different trades and ages there to grow their skills. “It’s really easy,” says Kiara about the program, “you just need to show up.” After she graduates from the program in about four months, she wants to continue learning and become a master electrician. 

Exploring a trade as a career option can be a valuable pursuit for high school students still determining their post-graduation plans. Here are several reasons why seeking a job in a trade is a worthwhile endeavor:

Hands-On Learning

Trade jobs often involve practical, hands-on experience. This learning style appeals to students who thrive in environments where they can be active and apply their unique set of knowledge and skills to provide essential services. 

Early Entry to the Workforce

Pursuing a trade allows students to enter the workforce sooner than those following traditional academic paths. This early entry into a career will enable individuals to gain practical experience, earn a living, and diminish the financial burden of higher education.

In-Demand Skills

Many trade professions are in high demand, leading to a steady job market. These skills, such as carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work, are essential to various industries, ensuring a constant need for skilled workers.

Earning Potential

Skilled tradespeople can earn competitive salaries. With the proper certifications and experience, individuals in trades can achieve financial success while avoiding the student loan debt that can accompany a traditional college education.

Job Security

Trades often offer a sense of job security. As providers of essential services, trade professions are less susceptible to economic downturns. Individuals entering the workforce can be confident they will have a stable career with consistent work opportunities.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Trades offer avenues for career growth and specialization. As individuals gain experience and expertise, they may be able to advance into supervisory or managerial roles within their chosen field.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Many trades allow for entrepreneurial ventures. Skilled individuals can start their businesses, offering services to their local communities and enjoying the autonomy that comes with being a business owner.

Fulfilling Work

For those who enjoy creating, fixing, or working with their hands, trade professions can provide a deep sense of fulfillment. Contributing to the built environment or solving practical problems can be inherently rewarding.

Diverse Career Options

The world of trades is diverse, offering a range of career options. Whether in construction, automotive, HVAC, or other fields, students can explore and find a trade that aligns with their interests and aptitudes.

There are several paths to a trade that students can explore. As a Grad Solutions and Smart Schools student, Next Step is there for you and can guide you to the right path. 

Today, Kiara is pleased to have attained her high school diploma. Admittedly, she had put it off for a couple of years, but after being enrolled at Smart Schools for a month, she had finally reached her goal. It was a tremendous personal accomplishment. 

For those who aren't sure about enrolling in a trade or certification program, Kiara says, "If you really want something, just go for it; there's no time to waste. If a program like this is handed to you, you need to take it." 

Seeking out a job in a trade can be a worthwhile endeavor for high school students who are still determining their future paths. Kiara's story shows how you can learn about a trade through hands-on training. A trade job provides a practical, hands-on approach to learning, early entry into the workforce, and the potential for a fulfilling and financially rewarding career. 

If you have questions about getting into a trade, please get in touch with the Next Step team.


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