What is a dropout recovery program?

Have you ever started out on a road somewhere but then end up somewhere you didn’t intend to go? Life is like that sometimes. We start out heading in one direction and then end up somewhere else completely and a lot of times, it’s not a place we want to be. 

For thousands of high school dropout students across the state, being out of school is not a place they wanted to end up. Their life has been hard and attending school day-in and day-out has been near impossible. Getting up each day has sometimes been a struggle. 

The struggle with staying in school

Olivia is a girl who dropped out of high school during her junior year. She had always struggled with school and felt like she didn't fit in with her peers. As the pressure of classes and exams mounted, she began to feel overwhelmed and unsure of herself. Well-meaning school counselors pushed her to do better but it just made the stress worse. 

Olivia never decided to drop out of school, she just stopped going. At first, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She no longer had to worry about grades, homework, or the stress of being in a classroom. It was temporarily a huge relief. 

As time went on, she began to realize the impact of her decision. She got a job but it was hard work and she had to deal with difficult people all the time. Olivia struggled to find a good job without a high school diploma. Most employers required a minimum of a high school education, and she found herself stuck in low-wage jobs with no room for growth.

Dropout recovery programs give the right support

In Arizona, dropout recovery programs (DRPs) exist to give students that have dropped out a second chance at finishing high school. These programs are dedicated to helping youth who have left the education system to achieve their high school diploma in an alternative setting, such as an educational management organization (EMO).

Top dropout recovery programs support students with a wide range of services like tutoring, career and college readiness, and credentialed live teachers. Grad Solutions is an accredited EMO that provides high-quality, credentialed teachers for students. They have developed a dropout recovery program that has helped thousands of students finish high school. Grad Solutions provides a large number of resources to help students remove the barriers they face in getting their high school diploma. 

Why DRPs


The ugly truth is that a high-school dropout is ineligible for 90% of jobs in America, according to research conducted by Statistic Brain. Dropping out of high school will severely limit employment opportunities, and those who do find jobs without a high school diploma often face lower wages and fewer benefits.They may struggle with managing finances, understanding healthcare, and making informed decisions. It's important to finish high school to gain crucial knowledge and skills that will be necessary for success in both personal and professional endeavors. 

Here are some examples of common barriers students face and how Grad Solutions, a dropout recovery program, helps students who dropped out:

Student Need

Grad Solution Service

Direction and guidance

Students have a Mentor who stays with them until they graduate

Technology needs

Computer & Wi-Fi access available to students at HUB resource centers


Resource specialist to connect students with a community partner who can help

Quiet study space

Homework and lounge areas at The HUB

Food to eat

Food banks are at the HUB where breakfast and lunch are also served

Learning disabilities

1:1 instruction in-person or online


Online courses are accessible 24/7, so students can work from home plus there's flexible scheduling so students only need to make the minimum monthly progress


Child-safe spaces are available at several HUB locations so parents can complete schoolwork

Family issues and adverse childhood experiences

Counseling services are offered at no cost to the student through a community partner

Hygiene needs

A clothing bank is available at all HUB locations, laundry facilities are offered at some HUB locations

Life skills

Free workshops & seminars are offered at HUB locations

Preparation for the future

Next Steps team available to help with college and career guidance/p>


Individualized special education and related services, accommodations


Specific accommodations, supports, or services for the student, as appropriate for their condition

Need to work or run a business

Online courses are accessible 24/7 so students may learn at any time, while applying their work hours toward satisfying elective credits

The Solution

Despite the challenges she faced, Olivia refused to give up. She knew that she wanted more out of life than what she was currently experiencing. She enrolled in a dropout recovery program, which provided her with the support and resources she needed to complete her high school education.

It wasn't easy, but Olivia persevered. When she wasn’t working, she spent countless hours studying and working to catch up on the courses she missed. With the help of her teachers and mentors, she was able to graduate with her high school diploma.

Looking back on her experience, Olivia realized that dropping out of high school was a mistake, but it also taught her the importance of perseverance and never giving up on your dreams.  Olivia's story serves as a reminder that it's never too late to turn your life around. With hard work, determination, and the right support, anything is possible.

Young adults who have dropped out are limiting their future. Thankfully, there are second chances. They can recover from a dropout through a DRP like Grad Solutions and get their diploma.


11 Facts About Dropping Out - DoSomething.org

About Dropout Prevention and Recovery - Arizona Department of Education 

Dropout Recovery Program - ACE Charter High School 


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