What to Expect After Enrolling


So you’ve decided to take the next step toward completing your high school diploma by enrolling with Grad Solutions. Let us be the first to say: Congratulations! That first step may not be the most challenging along this journey, but it’s the most important because many never get that far. You have decided to invest in yourself, your education, and your future. At Grad Solutions, we celebrate that alongside you.

If you’ve already filled out the enrollment form, then read on to know what you can expect to happen next. If you haven’t filled out the enrollment form, or if you started and stopped because you didn’t feel like you had all the information you needed, fill it out anyway! Even if you are missing key pieces of information, Grad Solutions will work with you to get you on your path toward graduation as quickly as possible and to support you in gathering that data.

So You’ve Filled Out Your Enrollment Form

Great — you’ve set your goal into motion! If your enrollment form was submitted correctly, you should receive a confirmation email. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, it’s possible that you only completed part of the application. Either way, someone from Grad Solutions will be in touch shortly.

Complete Your Enrollment Call

A Student Support Coordinator (SSC) will call you after you submit your enrollment form to go over the enrollment process with you. They will answer any questions you might have, walk you through what to expect, and share what has worked for our successful graduates.

If you were unable to locate or submit all of your documents, your SSC is there to help. They will ask you to compile the remainder of the documents and connect with former schools to locate your transcripts and ensure you take the appropriate classes to graduate. They will also ask you to complete a free intake test called the 16 Personalities to help you learn more about yourself and your learning style. Our SSC and registrar will get you set up with your first class as you work on that.

Start Your First Class

Now the real fun begins! Once you’ve been placed in your class, you’ll get an email that will include the link to log in, your username, and your password. You can get started on your class as soon as you receive this email and anytime thereafter. All Grad Solutions classes are available 24/7 and on-demand. You never need to wait for an instructor to hold a lesson, and you are not required to be in your seat at specific times.

Grad Solutions teachers are especially friendly and will usually reach out to introduce themselves and to provide you with their contact information. Although your instructor does not hold live class times, they will be your support throughout your time completing your class and can be available to answer questions you might have or even provide tutoring if needed.

Set the Stage for Success

Because Grad Solutions’ program is entirely online and self-paced, you are responsible for setting yourself up for success. There are a few ways to do this.

  • Create a study schedule. Look at your life and work schedule and identify the best days and times to dedicate to completing your lessons.

  • Set a goal. We recommend setting a goal to complete at least one class a month. Many students can do this by dedicating only 10-15 hours to their lessons each week! How many of your classes you can complete and the time it will take entirely depend on you.

  • Remove distractions. You’ll quickly find out that completing lessons while doom-scrolling TikTok or watching TV will not only make it more challenging to comprehend the content, but it will also draw out how long your lessons take you to complete. Dedicating your full attention to your studies during your scheduled learning time will help.

  • Use study aids. Our students swear by guided notes, a study tool that follows your class lecture closely and helps you identify the most important content. You can use these notes on the final exam, so filling them out as you go along not only helps you comprehend the lectures but will also help you pass the class!

Meet Your Mentor

Within a few days of being placed in your first class, your advisor will reach out to you and go over your results from the 16 Personalities intake. The advisor will use this and your answers to additional questions to pair you with your permanent mentor.

This mentor is there to support you along the path toward graduation and will be your primary point of contact throughout your studies. You should email, call, or text them with questions and concerns, issues that arise (academic or personal), and especially any barriers that you find keeping you from success. Our mentors have connected students struggling with depression to free mental health support, those in need of a job to internships and other career help, and even helped students with food and housing security issues.

Keep in mind that mentors cannot help when they are unaware of your challenges. While opening up to someone can be difficult or embarrassing, building a strong relationship with your mentor will set you up for success.

Getting your diploma may be one of the most challenging things you’ve tackled yet, but that doesn’t make it impossible. Graduating is just a matter of taking that next step and finding the support you need to succeed. Allow us to help you on your path to success and toward graduation because once you walk across that stage, all your hard work will be worth it.


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