When High School is No Longer Challenging: Renew Your Motivation

She dashes around The HUB in Phoenix with a smile. She offers her fellow classmates the extra meals that are available. She is eager to share what she has. It is clear that she enjoys helping and giving to others. She has a kind personality with an unmistakable tenacious spirit. 

Heaven is eighteen and a current student at Grad Solutions. She started with the program about six months ago and has a few classes left to go. She is enjoying high school life and being enrolled at Grad Solutions where, “everyone is very nice,” she says. She smiles as she talks about her current life. Things are moving forward and she is getting things done, even while she works part-time. 

School didn’t always go this well for Heaven. Previously, she attended a charter school where she wasn’t being challenged. The straightforward part of school made it unenjoyable for her. She wasn’t allowed to learn at her pace so school was no longer interesting. She felt stuck because she wasn’t allowed to skip ahead due to her age. At that point, she and her mom decided to look for something that would allow her to progress at her own pace.

After a search online, the Grad Solutions website was one that appealed to Heaven and her family. She liked the smiling faces she saw on the website and the fact that you can go at your own pace. Grad Solutions’ online curriculum seemed to be the right fit. She made the decision to enroll at GS. There’s nothing to hold her back now!

Heaven has had a fresh start at Grad Solutions. She is currently working two days a week and spends the rest of her time with school. She is also going to be working at The HUB three days a week soon. It is closer to her home and will make it easier to do schoolwork since it will give her better access to the study area and Wi-Fi. 

She is determined to succeed. She plans on graduating from high school within the next few months. From there, she will go to college and enroll in a pre-law program and then law school. After that, the sky’s the limit. The important thing is she has a plan in mind and that’s the best place to start! 


When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned, But Ends up Better Than You Thought


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