All standardized assessments are administered in-person and computer-based.
Students in Grades 9 and 11 are required to test.
Arizona Science Test (AzSCI); Grade 11, ACT Aspire; Grade 9, and ACT (Grade 11), is required and scheduled to take place between March 25-April 17, 2025. Graduation Solutions has a responsibility to administer the assessment from Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and United States Department of Education (USDOE). Failure to administer the assessments, as required, could have negative consequences for Graduation Solutions.
Parents and Students must understand the following:
Graduation Solutions is required to administer the AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and ACT assessments to students. This requirement is established by ADE and USDOE. If a student misses a test administration on a scheduled date, the student will be rescheduled within the testing window; expect contact from Graduation Solutions.
The Office of the Arizona Attorney General does have an opinion published on whether parents can opt their children out of state standardized assessments. This website specifically addresses A.R.S. 15-102, A.R.S 1-601, and A.R.S. 1-602. In summary of the state statues, the State of Arizona does NOT have an Opt-Out policy for statewide standardized testing.
ADE Website for Parents and Students: Click here
What Test Do You Need To Prepare For?
ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire is the statewide high school assessment test for Grade 9. The assessments tests in English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science. The test is intended to measure student achievement and progress toward college and career readiness.
ACT is the statewide high school assessment test for Grade 11. The assessments tests in English, Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Writing. The ACT measures what students need to know to be ready for entry-level college-credit courses.
The AzSCI (Science) Test is a computer based test and administered to students in 11th Grade.
Ready to Register?
You will be automatically registered to a testing location based off of your home address we have in our student information system. If you believe you were assigned a testing location not close to your home, or would prefer a different testing location, please contact your mentor or academic advisor to make any address changes.
What to Bring
Current Official Photo Identification
Must be an original, current, and valid ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.
ID must be in a hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.
Your first and last name must match our student information system.
Don't have an Acceptable ID?
Graduation Solutions can issue you a student ID. You must request one by completing the Student ID Request form.
You’ll need to present a ACT Student Identification Form (PDF) with attached photo and notarized before testing day.
This document must be fully completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative.
Photo Requirements: A recent, head‐and‐shoulders photo of the student only (not in a group).
Don't Bring Any of These;
You Can't Access Them:
Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids
Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator
Reading material
Tobacco in any form
Prohibited devices
The prohibited use of devices is in effect from the time you are admitted to your testing room until you are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
You may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities.
All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.
If you access your device or it activates in the testing room or during break times, you will be dismissed, your test will not be scored.
Water, Snacks, and lunch will be provided to students on testing day.
What to Expect
Arriving to Test Location
Dress comfortably. Consider dressing in layers, so you'll be comfortable.
Arrive by 8:00 am.
If it is your first time visiting the testing site, plan for extra time to find your testing room.
You must arrive on time to be admitted to test. If you are late you will need to be rescheduled for a makeup day.
You must arrive on time to be admitted to test. You will NOT be admitted to test if you are late. Be ready to begin testing after all on-time examinees are checked in.
During the Test
Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be warned and will be asked to move if needed.
Taking a Break
A short break is scheduled after the second and fourth subtest. Using cell phones or any electronic devices during the break is prohibited.
Students will be served lunch on their testing day.
Finishing Up
After all tests are completed you will be dismissed for the day
Prohibited Behavior at the Test Location
To ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials, certain behaviors are prohibited at the Graduation Solutions test location. You will be warned and you maybe asked to move to another desk if you engage in prohibited behavior, to finish your test.
Unexpected Changes?
Missed your test date or need to reschedule?
Please contact your mentor or academic advisor.
Need a ride? We can help!
Please contact your mentor or academic advisor if you need transportation accommodations.
Grade 9
ACT Aspire
The ACT Aspire test is a statewide high school achievement test, which is administered to students in Grade 9. The test is composed of multiple-choice tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and a Writing test. The test is intended to measure student achievement and progress toward college and career readiness.
The test window for the ACT Aspire is April 8-17.
Student will only need to register for one-day, all five ACT Aspire subtests will be taken in one sitting, this is a timed test.
Arrive at the testing location at 8:00 a.m., testing will start at 8:30 a.m. sharp, we do not accept late students. If late, student will be asked to reschedule. This is a timed test.
ACT Aspire assessment is administered in-person and computer-based. All eligible students are required to test.
You will be automatically registered to a testing location based off of your home address we have in our student information system. If you believe you were assigned a testing location not close to your home, or would prefer a different testing location, please contact your mentor or academic advisor to make any address changes.
Practice for ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire Exemplars and Tutorial - login information is not required
To access Exemplars, scroll to bottom of screen and select "Exemplars."
Next, select the content area, followed by the Exemplar for "Early High School Grade 9 & 10."
Exemplar Booklets
ACT Aspire Test Descriptions
Graduation Solutions students will be taking all five tests in one day. This is a timed test.
Grade 11
The ACT Test is the statewide high school achievement test, which will be administered to students in Grade 11. The test is composed of multiple-choice tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science, followed by a Writing test, for which the student will complete an essay written in English. In addition to ACT, 11th grade students will be taking the AzSci (Science) Test is a statewide computer based test administered to AZ students in 11th Grade. These tests are intended to measure student achievement and progress toward college and career readiness.
The AzSCI assessment is administered in-person and computer-based. All eligible students are required to test.
The test window for the ACT is March 25-April 4.
Student will only need to register for one-day, all five ACT Aspire subtests and AzSci will be taken in one day, this is a timed test.
Arrive at the testing location at 8:00 a.m., testing will start at 8:30 a.m. sharp, we do not accept late students. If late, student will be asked to reschedule. This is a timed test. Testing will conclude by 4pm.
ACT and AzSci assessments are administered in-person and computer-based. All eligible students are required to test.
You will be automatically registered to a testing location based off of your home address we have in our student information system. If you believe you were assigned a testing location not close to your home, or would prefer a different testing location, please contact your mentor or academic advisor to make any address changes.
Practice for ACT Test
Free Online Test Prep
Test your knowledge with free prep from the makers of the ACT test
Prepare for the ACT Online
FREE Practice Test for ACT
Take the ACT
Prepare to take the ACT Test in TestNav
TestNav is the testing platform the students will login to, to access the ACT Test.