7 Reasons Online School is Better


It’s time we admit it: online school is better than traditional school options for some Arizona students. While experiences with online learning varied during the lockdown era of COVID, Grad Solutions has been providing online instruction and learning since 2012. We’ve reflected back on our experience over the years to bring you a collection of reasons online school is AWESOME, especially when you’re a Grad Solutions student.

The 7 benefits of online school

  1. Students can learn on their own time and at their own pace. Most online programs are self-paced so students can take as many breaks while learning as they need

  2. Students can access a huge variety of courses, depending on their interests and their credit needs

  3. Our online classes can be completed from anywhere in the world that you have an internet connection

  4. Students who experience social anxiety can benefit from the individual learning and 1:1 support of online learning

  5. Students who experience bullying can learn in an online environment without fear of experiencing harassment from their peers

  6. Able to avoid peer pressure more and gain a wider perspective of the world

  7. Students learn to take control of their learning through the online learning platform, managing their time and learning to prioritize

Bonus reasons to love online school…

If you’re not yet convinced that online school is a great thing, here a few more reasons that are specific to Grad Solutions:

  1. Grad Solutions puts learning first, not busy-work —Students don’t have homework to complete, just lessons and quizzes that show they learned.

  2. The learning platform used by Grad Solutions lets students work toward mastery, not for a grade —this means that.

  3. Students can graduate faster by using their work hours for elective credits using CREW. Many of our students work anyway, now they can get school credit for it.

  4. You get to work with a Mentor who becomes your partner in the journey to finishing school, so you don’t have to do it alone.

  5. If you need physical resources like food, clothing, child care support, and more, Grad Solutions can help. They’ve partnered with numerous community organizations to make sure students have what they need to survive and thrive in life.

The truth is, online school isn’t for everyone. However, the team at Grad Solutions cares about students and is dedicated to helping them graduate high school. If you have struggled as a high school student in Arizona, enrolling in Grad Solutions’ online school might be right for you. Online schooling with Grad Solutions allows students the flexibility to attend classes when and where it works best for you.


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