Student Support at The HUB


Most people like to rely on excuses and barriers that stand in their way. After all, when you’re studying online at your own pace, it’s really difficult to keep your progress top of mind. That’s why Grad Solutions student Mercedes works from The HUB - Grad Solutions’ central Phoenix drop-in location regularly.

“After taking care of things at home, I usually go to The Hub. I try to go to The HUB 3 times a week to concentrate on assignments for at least 2-3 hours.” Not every student has the time to dedicate regular hours to go to a specific location (and luckily, Grad Solutions doesn’t require you to attend any in-person classes or events), but Mercedes knew it would help her stay focused.

“The environment at the HUB is perfect for studying and having space for yourself. The HUB location is always welcoming and clean and quiet. We’re also able to take our proctored exams there,” she said.

Site Manager, Sarah Arsenault, says that The HUB is intended to be a resource for students, regardless of what they need.

“Students were coming to The HUB hungry, so we came up with a solution,” said Sarah. “We serve lunch several days a week, and always have snacks and stuff on hand for kids who need it.”

But it goes far beyond food. “The HUB has definitely helped me undo barriers in my life and has supported me through tough times. Sarah and the staff have been very patient and, more than anything, have believed in me.”

Photo of instructors and mentors and HUB staff

“I have been enrolled at Grad Solutions for a little over a year and so far I’ve had an awesome experience with the staff and students at The HUB. I have had so much support and constant check-ins from my support team working with me every step of the way.”

Mercedes recommends that all students take advantage of The HUB: “The Grad Solutions HUB has very good hours and just the entire program has a lot of resources to help in all parts of my life. The HUB has been a huge help with laundry, clothing, and food. I have also taken advantage of the counseling that Grad Solutions has for all of their students.”

Mercedes found her way to Grad Solutions through Chicanos por la Causa’s Workforce program. “CPLC referred me to Grad Solutions because I needed the flexibility to work while going to school and taking care of my family.”

It hasn’t been easy, but Mercedes knows it’s a necessary first step to achieving her dreams.

“After graduation, I am planning on going into college for something in the medical field. Grad Solutions and CPLC Workforce helped me get connected with an internship to gain knowledge and experience.”

If you’ve gone back to school, or have been in the role of a non-traditional student before, you know how important these connections can be! If you have left school and would like to enroll with Grad Solutions, we are here to help.

Photo of Mercedes, a current Grad Solutions student


Mercedes is a current Grad Solutions student who uses The HUB to help her complete her high school classes on her own time. Although it’s a challenge to work, go to school, and take care of family, Mercedes leans on the support she receives from Grad Solutions to make it work.


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