Student Stories Guest User Student Stories Guest User

Every Student has a Story: Amaya

Amaya Alghouli’s path to graduation has been challenging, but with Grad Solutions' free online learning platform, she will walk across the stage this summer. In this article, she shares what she has had to overcome to get here. Read on and be inspired by Amaya’s work.

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Student Support at The HUB

Most people like to rely on excuses and barriers that stand in their way. After all, when you’re studying online at your own pace, it’s really difficult to keep your progress top of mind. That’s why Grad Solutions student Mercedes works from The HUB - Grad Solutions’ central Phoenix drop-in location regularly.

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Student Stories Guest User Student Stories Guest User

Student Stories: Britney B.

Students come to Grad Solutions for a lot of different reasons. Unfortunately, all too often trauma is a huge contributing factor - whether the traumas of life and growing up or challenges presented in the traditional school system. Read about Britney’s story and how she found Grad Solutions and changed her life.

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