Break Into Your Dream Career by Enrolling in an Arizona CTED School

Applications are now open for the Arizona CTED schools for the 2024-2025 school year!  

Are you interested in a career as a drone operator, nurse, HVAC engineer, cosmetologist, or another trade? Did you know, you can take classes for these jobs at a regional Arizona Career Technological Educational school (CTED)? As an Arizona student, you can learn while pursuing your high school diploma!

Arizona high school students have a unique opportunity to attend a Career and Technical Education school for free. The Arizona CTE program gives high school students career and technical education certifications for free while they pursue their high school diploma.

It can be difficult to know how to break into the career of your dreams. You can start by getting exposure and learning more about the day to day aspects of the job. Career and technical education will allow you to get hands-on and earn a certification that will prepare you for your future career.

Through Work-based Learning, you’ll be able to go beyond the classroom and work in the community. Work-based Learning will be accomplished through:

  • Apprenticeship

  • Cooperative Education

  • Diversified Cooperative Education

  • Healthcare Clinicals

  • Internship

  • Laboratory/Simulation Project

  • School-based enterprise

  • Service Learning

  • Supervised Agricultural Experience

There are many CTED schools around the State of Arizona. Find out which CTE school district is in your area by using the map below. 


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