Weird But Effective Hacks to Make You a Pro at Online School

“Online school is too unstructured.”

“It’s too hard to keep up.”

“There are too many distractions.”


“You’ll want to slack off.” 

Oh, the things people say about online school. You may even hear them now. Have you noticed it’s usually people who’ve never tried online school or understand its benefits? 

Online school offers things that aren’t available in other learning environments, like flexibility, low pressure, the ability to go at your own pace, learning in a comfortable environment, tutoring, and rewind/replay options so you have time to absorb all the info. For many students, the benefits outweigh the challenges. 

But there are ways that online school is different. With the flexibility comes responsibility to learn how to do a few things on your own. Here we’ll share some online school hacks to help you through those things and become a pro at online schooling!

Hacking Your Progress

Study with structure- read our tips on creating a consistent schedule.

Work in bursts —Check out the Pomodoro Technique we mention in our blog, “What to do when there's too much to do”.

Save your work often!!! —Avoid losing your work. Use an app with auto-save like Google Docs. 

Make memorization easy —use a website like this to create flashcards to make memorization easier than ever!

Spray an unfamiliar scent or chew a different flavored/scented gum to help you remember things better —Let’s just say, “It’s science”.

Get dressed everyday —Put on clothes like you’re going out to differentiate home life and school (it’s a mindset thing).

Discover your chronotype —This is so you can sleep and wake at the times that are right for you! It can help you be more productive during your waking hours too… Take the quiz here.

Do ONE thing at a time —Don’t multitask during schoolwork. You will get more work done if you only do one thing at a time. 

Hacks to Focus Better

Dim the noise —Wear headphones and listen to ambient music/sounds like nature or focus music. If you have kids, set up study time while the kids rest.

Work inside a closet —We know it sounds weird but it’s quiet, relaxing and no one will find you! 

Create a relaxing space —Set up a space that makes you feel good and keep it organized. An organized space will help you focus better. 

Turn up the light —Brighter lights that mimic the sun can help you stay awake and focused.

Reduce eyestrain —Get yourself a pair of blue-light blocking glasses and take breaks from time to time. 

Avoid working in bed. Use a desk or a table —It’s easier to do schoolwork when you’re not asleep! 

Listen to sounds that help you focusVideo Game Music and other Focus Music can really help. Don’t listen to music with lyrics, it can be distracting.

Reward yourself for your good work —Set small goals then use incentives like gummy bears or something you like as a reward. Whenever you finish something, enjoy your incentive!

Use these hacks and you’ll be a pro online student in no time! 

There could be other issues you come across while doing online school. If you’re a Grad Solutions student, you have access to a Mentor who can work with you on those issues. Reach out to them for help! 

Grad Solutions is not your grandma’s online high school… if there was internet back in the day! GS offers Arizona residents aged 16-21 an opportunity to finish their high school diploma online for free. We provide a flexible learning environment with supportive Mentors and resources to get you to walk at graduation! We believe in YOU! 


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