Creating a Self-Care Routine: A Mini-Guide for Teens

Life can be a whirlwind. There is so much to do all the time, between school, friends, family, and work. When responsibilities pile up, it's easy to forget about self-care. Many of us weren’t taught about self-care — we just focused on getting by. 

As we grow into adults, we tend to become more aware of the need for self-care. In this mini-guide, learn how self-care includes several different areas but they are all important to helping you be your best self. 

Why you need self-care

Basically, self-care improves your quality of life and well-being. When you do self-care, it’s like tending to a garden. Just as a garden thrives when you provide it with the right nutrients, water, and attention, taking care of yourself enhances your overall well-being. 

Regularly practicing self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, nourishing your body with nutritious food, engaging in relaxing activities, and managing stress is akin to providing your "inner garden" with the essential elements it needs to flourish. So, let's dive into how you can start your practice of self-care. 

Where to start

Set aside time for your self-care

Schedule some "me time" on your calendar regularly. Find activities that light up your world – it could be reading, doodling, dancing, or just chilling with your pet. Watch a hilarious movie, read a funny book, or dance around with friends. Things that make you laugh are especially healthy for your mind, body, and soul. Laughter is legit medicine for your soul.

On the other hand, a way to do self-care is by helping others. Although it may not seem like self-care, helping others is something that feels seriously awesome. Volunteer, do random acts of kindness, or lend an ear to a friend in need. Being kind is a win-win for everyone involved. Whatever you decide to do for self-care, just make it a no-stress time to unwind and recharge. 

Dream Big and Set Goals

Having goals gives you something to look forward to. Whether it's acing a test, learning a new skill, or planning a fun adventure, dreams keep your spirit soaring. Setting some goals will keep you motivated and focused. 

Imagine what you would like your life to look like. Based on this vision, set one self-care goal at a time.  Setting one self-care goal per week or month is a great way to start without feeling overwhelmed. Hopefully, this will get you started in the process of regular self-care. 

How to do self-care

Be Intentional about sleep time

Yeah, putting in late nights to binge-watch movies can be addicting and sometimes be considered self-care, but generally, our bodies require sleep for many important things like hormone regulation. Our hormones affect everything from our ability to deal with stress to blood sugar regulation, so aim for around 8-9 hours of snooze time each night. Waking up refreshed is a game-changer!

Eat food that fuels you

Healthy eats = a happy you. Fill your plate with colorful fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Don't forget water – it's like a magical potion for your body! Your body needs nutrients from plants, fish, and meats to function properly. These nutrients are often not found in food from fast food restaurants so the more the homemade food you eat, the better. has some easy and healthy meal ideas

Move your body

Exercise isn't just about running. It's a mood booster and energy igniter that can make you feel great. Whether you're into yoga, dancing, biking, or even a brisk walk, set aside time to get that heart pumping and those endorphins flowing. Even a short amount of time like 15-20 minutes of moderate exercise every day can make you feel good and give lots of health benefits!

Leverage the magic of mindfulness

Being present in the moment is like a self-care secret weapon. Try meditation, deep breathing, or simply focusing on the sounds around you. Mindfulness practices can help reduce anxiety and stress and become more present in school, with friends, or at home.

These resources could be helpful as you get started:

Break from technology

Step away from the screen, friends. Social media is fun but there are definitely some downsides. Long hours on technology are known to impact brain development, cause sleep problems, learning issues, and more. Taking tech breaks can help calm your brain. So, take walks often, breathe in the fresh air, and let your mind wander.

Staying motivated and on-track

Set boundaries

Learn to say no when you need to. It's totally okay to set limits and prioritize your own well-being. Here are some things to know about setting boundaries: 

  • Start by reflecting on what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable in various situations.

  • Identify where you need boundaries. 

  • Define your limits.

  • Communicate your boundaries assertively.

  • Be consistent but don’t expect perfection!

  • Surround yourself with supporters.

Remember, you're worthy of self-care!

Your life is valuable and taking care of your body is part of investing in yourself. No matter what you may feel or what has been said to you before, you are worth investing in. Your body deserves to be healthy and respected. You can show your body respect by taking time to care for it. 

If all of this seems like a lot, start with one thing. Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it helps you become the best version of yourself. Treat your mind, body, and soul with love, and watch how you accomplish more than you thought. You've got this! 🌟

About Grad Solutions

Grad Solutions is a fully accredited dropout recovery program helping students successfully complete their high school education and improve career possibilities. We empower students through a unique learning model that provides flexibility and support to pave the way to graduation. Learn more at 


10 Benefits of Sleep - VeryWellHealth 

10 Physical and Mental Benefits of Exercise for Teens - Planet Fitness 

The Harmful Effects of Too Much Screen Time for Kids - VeryWellFamily 

What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important? - VeryWellHealth

Why You Don’t Need a Lot of Time or Money to Make Self-Care a Priority - Healthline


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