Determined To Finish


Students come to Grad Solutions for a lot of different reasons, but each of their stories is unique. Their hard work and drive to achieve their goals are what bring our students together. Julie Cochran addressed her fellow graduates at our recent cermony. Her is the transcript of her inspiring speech:

Good evening and welcome, my name is Julie Cochran, and I am a 2020 graduate. I want to start off by giving a huge shout-out to the teachers and staff who helped make this graduation happen. It is an amazing opportunity and blessing to be able to share this wonderful milestone with my former classmates as well as my friends and family. Congratulations to the classes of 2020 and 2021! You all did it despite the past year and a half of extra challenges we have all faced, and I am proud of each and every one of you for continuing to pursue your dream of becoming a high school graduate. This chapter of our lives is over and now we are all on to bigger and better things.

I remember when I first started high school, it was an exciting time for me, and I would have never thought I would be graduating from a virtual high school. I had migraines that were so bad I couldn’t focus in a classroom setting and it was putting me behind. Therefore I chose to do online school in hopes of getting ahead and graduating earlier than my class. Before I knew it, I was going back and forth to different online schools trying to find the right one and I just fell behind even more. Eventually, I ended up getting pregnant at 17 and decided to drop out of school. When I told my dad, I made a promise to him I would go back to school and graduate with a high school diploma. I tried going to a charter school that was fast-paced and you could earn credits quicker, but due to health problems, I had to drop out once again. Soon after that, my dad passed away and 10 days later I had my son. Raising him as a single mother has definitely not been easy. It was hard for me to find a school where I could work on my classes on my own time. When I got kicked out of one school for not reaching 35 hours a week minimum, I was overwhelmed. I wanted to quit so badly, but I knew that I could not break my promise to my father. I did not know how I could put so many hours a week into completing classwork, taking care of a baby, and going to work to support a child. When I found Grad Solutions, I was ecstatic to find out that their only requirement was to reach a certain monthly progress goal to continue being enrolled.

As the time got closer to me finishing up my last couple of classes, I started to lose my motivation and received my first warning of not reaching my monthly progress goal. Some of my family and friends were telling me that time was closing in on my 21st birthday and I should just obtain my GED and my dad would still be happy. However, I was determined to prove them wrong. I wanted to prove to them and myself that I could complete my coursework while also keeping the promise I made to my father. In addition to that,  I wanted to make this a story for my son when he got older that no matter how many obstacles get in the way of your dreams and goals, you can do it. In the midst of Covid-19 and quarantine, I finally finished my last class. Not only did I get to prove those who doubted me wrong, but I made myself proud that I kept my promise to my dad. I also made my family proud and was officially my parents’ first and only child of 7 to get a high school diploma rather than a GED or becoming a dropout. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support and help from my strong and amazing mother. 


I am now studying Criminal Justice at Glendale Community College in hopes of one day,  fulfilling my dream of becoming a detective. I tell my story here today because there may be some students in the stands, wondering if they will make it to graduation and I want to tell you that you will! You can overcome anything, and you CAN reach your goals and dreams.

Teachers, mentors, friends, and family, I thank you for your attendance here tonight and your ongoing support and encouragement to help us graduates get to where we are today. Graduates, I want to congratulate you again on all of your achievements and to let you know that THIS is only the beginning for us. Thank you. 


Words Of Inspiration From Ahjanay


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