Jumpstart Your Future with Workforce and WEX


Graduating from high school is easier if you have the support you need. That’s why Grad Solutions works with Workforce, a social program intended to do just that—provide you with the support you need to graduate.

We know that not all students are built for traditional learning. Some were meant to find a different way and write their own story. And so it goes without saying that what schools have built for traditional student support needs to be more tailored, as well.

That’s why Grad Solutions pairs each of our students with a mentor to help them complete their diplomas and go on to write a beautiful story with their lives. In addition, we also refer many students to Workforce, if they qualify.


Workforce & Work Experience (WEX)

Workforce Solutions is funded by the state of Arizona and is intended to support young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 in overcoming the barriers preventing them from graduating high school or pursuing higher education. Students who qualify can receive assistance in completing their diplomas, but also in other occupational skills and paid work experience internships (WEX). Additionally, Grad Solutions students who enroll in Workforce can be eligible for employment services, transportation assistance, basic needs assistance, and post-secondary tuition assistance.

The program itself lasts for two years of full service and personalized support and an additional year of follow-up support upon completion. Throughout the program, participants will work with a case manager to create their College & Career Blueprint to figure out what steps they need to take to reach their career goal. Case managers help students gain employability skills and provide training in building a resume, interviewing, and retail skills. This is an excellent way for students to prepare for the workforce and their job hunt. Additionally, internship placements can allow participants to work 200-600 hours within an industry while building professional connections, earning money, and developing both tangible, professional skills and softer, interpersonal skills on the job.

How can I get enrolled?

Workforce is a great way for students to prepare themselves academically and professionally, so we’ve worked hard to make it easy for students to enroll. We work with Grad Solutions, Smart Schools, The HUB, and Workforce representatives at Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC). The easiest way for you to get started is to visit us at The HUB during any of our business hours, and we can get you started on the enrollment process.

Balancing high school, work, career plans, family, and various other responsibilities is hard work. The good news is that there are SO MANY resources available to help you navigate all of the challenges. Workforce & WEX provide some incredible tools that can give you a huge jump start when it comes to finishing school and taking steps toward a career. Don’t miss out on these types of opportunities; they really can make a big difference!


Determined To Finish


Mental Health Awareness And Resources