GED vs. High School Diploma

All too often, people ask “How can I get my GED for free online?” without first knowing what the GED actually is. GED stands for General Educational Development, and many students attempt this route - thinking it will be easier than graduating with a traditional diploma. What many students don’t realize, however, is that the GED is not just one test - it’s actually four. Students must pass (and pay for!) all four tests in order to receive their GED. If you’re deciding which path is best for you, it’s important to first understand all the differences between a high school diploma and GED certification.

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The True Cost of the GED

Not only does the GED test cost money, GED recipients still receive lower salaries than high school graduates. GED recipients earn, on average, about $1,600 a month less than those with a high school diploma. And if you’re planning to enroll in college, be warned: less than 5% of GED recipients receive a bachelor's degree, compared to the 33% of those with diplomas that do.

The GED takes less time and is basically the same as a high school diploma, right? Wrong. You can receive your high school diploma completely free of charge in the state of Arizona until you turn 22 years old, while the GED typically costs students over $100, whether or not they pass. 

Picture of $100 bill

The Social Value of a Diploma

Some jobs tend to discriminate against GED holders. The military limits the number of accepted applicants and requires higher scores on the aptitude test for GED holders, because the dropout rate is almost double for GED holders compared to high school graduates.

Even if you don’t plan to go into the military, finding a job is more difficult with a GED because of the stigma it holds with employers thinking recipients of a GED are “deficient in noncognitive skills, such as persistence, motivation, and reliability.”

We know this isn’t true - students often drop out because of circumstances outside of their control, and those who decide to go back are the most tenacious of all. For those who decide to enroll with an alternative high school like Grad Solutions, there is no such stigma because they still receive a traditional high school diploma.

A Shortcut to Your Diploma?

If you are in a hurry to get out into the world and start making some cash, the GED may seem like the quickest option. After all, it’s just a test right?

Unfortunately, it’s just a test that a least a third of all individuals fail the first time, according to the American Council of Education. For the vast majority of students attempting to take the GED exams, there’s little to no support or help. No instructors to work with you to achieve a passing score, or mentors pushing to keep you on track. More often than not, you must go out of your way to find prep or tutoring before the exam. It’s one of the reasons that we structure the Grad Solutions program the way we do - so that you can receive the help and support you need!

Making a Decision that is Right for You


We recognize that students who have dropped out often did so because of circumstances beyond their control. But you can take control of your life and make the next right decision for yourself. Depending on the number of credits you have, a GED or a high school diploma may make more sense for you. Regardless of which path you choose, it is important to keep in mind the costs - the money, time, support, and future opportunities. Which is really going to be best for you and the future you’d like to work toward?

If you have already received your GED but have decided you still want to earn your diploma, that’s OK! At Grad Solutions, we can still help you by converting that test to high school credits, determining what you have left, and helping you graduate with your diploma.


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