I Want to Go Back to School - Now What?


If you’ve dropped out and now you’re thinking “I want to go back to school!” this guide is meant for you! Whether you’re thinking about the GED or committed to getting your high school diploma, it’s important to follow these five steps to success.

Empty classroom chairs

1. Learn the differences between a high school diploma and a GED. Despite common misunderstandings, they are not the same thing. While both can help you take steps toward life goals and a better future, it’s really important to understand that some jobs and opportunities penalize against applicants with GED credentials. While GED credentials do open more doors than having nothing, your GED credential doesn’t automatically mean you will have the same opportunities available as those who have a diploma. The time, money, and commitment required also vary as does the available support to get to the finish line. Here at Grad Solutions, we are a little biased in favor of diplomas, but we also recognize that one size doesn’t always fit everyone. You need to learn the differences so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your future. You can dig a little deeper by reading another post about the differences.

If you don’t have many high school credits earned yet, the idea of earning a diploma can seem daunting. We get that. It’s why we work hard to help you get through as smoothly as possible. We also have some programs to help you earn additional elective credits while working full time to help you get through your diploma program faster.

A man looking up at a skyscraper with his arms wide open

2. Think about your goals for the future. Where do you see yourself in five years? What career field do you want to end up in? What do you want out of your life? Your answers to these questions should dictate your decisions. For example, if you plan to join the military, enlistees with GEDs are penalized, but not high school graduates. Your timeline for these goals may also determine your next steps. If you are a confident test-taker, well-versed in high school concepts, the GED may be the fastest way to achieve your goals or move toward your next step.

Although it may cost you a bit more down the road, some private schools (like our partner Smart Schools) will accept your GED for high school credit, helping to knock out half of the required credits to graduate. This means that you can still go back and graduate with your high school diploma, even if you have previously earned your GED.

3. Do your research! Whether you’ve decided to get your GED or your high school diploma, be sure to select a reputable school or testing center. Ask your friends and family, read articles online, and read reviews. Not just that, but search for free or low-cost options. Does your local library offer free GED study groups? Does your state fund dropout recovery initiatives (like Grad Solutions)? Before you make a long-term decision, take some time to really understand what resources are available to you once you make your decision.

An image of a woman standing behind a table promoting Grad Solutions

4. Take the first step. Often with major life decisions, the hardest step to take is the first one. So just do it! Sign up to take your GED, or fill out an enrollment form. Once you’ve filled out your form, Grad Solutions will get in touch with you via phone to identify which documents we still need, walk you through our learning platform, and answer any questions you may still have. If you’ve decided to take the GED, you will need to pay the exam fee upfront.  Either way, you are taking the first step toward achieving your goals which means you are much more likely to follow through and move toward a better future.  

5. Learn and grow! Regardless of whether you’ve decided to take the GED or enroll in a high school diploma program, you are going to need to spend some time studying. Good study habits are born in distraction-free environments, so put down your cell phone and turn off the TV. Use the full power of the internet to your advantage by downloading free study materials online and using fillable guided notes. And like anything, studying is a habit that you practice over time. Log some hours studying when and where you can. Programs like Grad Solutions make that possible. Here are a few other tips if you are considering getting back into a school routine (especially online).

Going back to school may not feel simple or straightforward, but it is important to keep taking the next step forward in achieving your goals. What is the next step forward for you, and how will it change your life for the better? 


Every Student has a Story: Amaya


GED vs. High School Diploma