Stick to Your Commitment by Remembering Your Why 

Fulfillment is not born of the dream. Fulfillment is born of the journey.

—Simon Sinek

Have you been working on something for a long time and starting to think about giving up?

Do you feel like you’re hanging on by a thread?

There are times when other obligations take a higher priority and we don’t know if we can continue working toward what we started out doing. It can feel like all the effort isn’t worth it. But, is giving up the right thing to do?  

Is it worth it? 

As you encounter challenges while going after your goal, that goal might seem further away than it did before. You’ve been going at it for awhile and now you’re not sure it’s worth it. I want to remind you that you CAN do it. You CAN keep going. You’re likely in the part of the journey that gets a little harder, but it’s important not to stop. You’ve already come so far and you could be on the verge of a breakthrough. 

*Based loosely on the The Dip from Seth Godin

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

—Thomas A. Edison

Asking Why

When it gets harder, you need to remember your why. Why are you are doing this? What was the original reason for doing what you’re doing? Why were you trying to accomplish your goal? If you can’t figure it out, keep asking yourself why. 

Here are some example “Why” questions: 

Why did I sign up for this?

Why do I want this over that?

Why am I not happy when X happens?

Why am I stressed now?

Asking why helps you dig deeper into things. In life, asking ourselves the why question can help us uncover things that we didn't know —about ourselves. Our answer to the “why” question can also provide us with the motivation to keep moving forward.

Remove the Obstacles

We all have different answers to the “why” question because there are different things that drive us. However, it’s also possible that the real source of your pain and frustration is something else. Whatever that something is, you might be able to fix it and keep on going. If education has been one of your obstacles, we might be able to help.

If your goal is to get your diploma, the why is usually one of these: 

  • You need to provide for yourself

  • You don’t want to be known as the one who dropped out 

  • You need to provide for a family

  • You want to go to college so you can get an even better job

Sticking to a goal and seeing it through to completion is one of the hardest things you will face early on in life. By being persistent and continuing to endure, you will accomplish things you never thought you could. 

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

—Nelson Mandela 

Image by Freepik

Now is the time to keep going. Make it through the “dip” and you will reach your goal. At the end of the journey is fulfillment, accomplishment, and empowerment. 

If you struggled with high school and/or dropped out, Grad Solutions allows you to start again… with the help you need! Call us at 480-689-5999 or visit to learn more. 


The Dip - book by Seth Godin

Find Your Why - Simon Sinek

What is Your Why? 


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