Take breaks to stay motivated when work gets hard

If you’ve ever had a long study or work session, you may have reached a point where things got real fuzzy. You tried to keep going and moved along slowly… but eventually you realized you couldn’t do it anymore. If you have ever reached that point, you were likely experiencing “cognitive fatigue”. I call this cognitive fatigue “brain fry”. When brain fry hits, it’s a clear signal that it’s time to take a break. 

When doing work or study sessions, taking breaks are important to maintain motivation because they allow your brain and body to rest and recharge. When you work for extended periods of time without taking a break, your focus and energy levels can start to decline, which can make it harder to stay motivated and productive.

The benefits of taking a break

taking a break meme

Breaks give your brain the chance to relax and recover from mental fatigue, which can improve your cognitive functioning and help you stay focused and motivated when you return to work. Additionally, taking breaks can reduce stress levels, boost creativity, and increase overall well-being.

Take a break after some intense work session and enjoy a leisure activity, such as reading a book, taking a walk, or  take a “green micro breaks” improve attention span and performance

Recharge and refill your energy tank

When using a lot of mental energy, you can literally recharge your body and put something back into your “energy tank” with nutritious foods. Eat a nutritious snack and grab an energy boosting drink like green tea, coffee, or water. According to an article in Healthline, foods that will give your brain energy are:

  • High-fiber foods like oatmeal, beans, and nuts

  • Protein-rich foods like yogurt, lean meats, eggs, and fatty fish

  • Whole fruits and vegetables, especially blueberries, broccoli, and oranges

  • Whole grains 

Refresh and clear your mind

taking a walk

The most important part of taking a break is giving your brain a chance to clear. That being said, you don’t want to go on break and then do something that requires a lot of thinking or is stimulating. Give your brain a break and take it easy —go on a walk without your phone, take a few minutes to pray or meditate, or have a light-hearted conversation with a friend. These all will help you take the thinking down a level and refresh your brain. 

Keep in mind your breaks from homework or studying don't have to be long or elaborate. Just a few minutes away from your work can be enough to refresh your mind and improve motivation. If you find yourself struggling to stay motivated, try taking a short break to recharge your batteries and see how it helps you regain your focus and drive.


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