Up Your Homework Game and Get on Track

Staying on top of homework can be tricky. We have clothes to wash, food to cook, things to clean, and sometimes, children to watch. Life is full of demands that take us in different directions. They can take us away from important things like school. In this article, we share what actions you can take to stay on track with school.

Get your priorities straight

If we’re honest with ourselves, there are other reasons for not getting homework done. We decide to hang out with friends, spend time gaming, or binge watch videos. These are things that are within our control and we have chosen to do them instead of schoolwork.

To succeed at homework, you need to make a choice to put it first before less important things. Sure, jobs and kids are high priorities, but after that, you can choose to do your homework. That might not seem easy to do now, but it will make life a lot better in the future. Remember that school lasts for a time and there will be opportunities to do those things later.

Make a Plan

Before a basketball game, the coach assembles a plan that tells the players what to do. During the game, the players carry out the plays made in the coach’s plan. Depending on the circumstances of the game, the plays can change but there is always a plan. Just like in basketball, you need to have a plan on how to get your school work done. You have a goal but the plan is how you make it happen.

...The plays can change but there is always a plan.

Here are some points to think about when making a plan:

  • Review your organizer to see when things are due

  • Decide on what to do first

  • Break up the work into smaller blocks

  • Decide on a time to work on your homework everyday

  • Keep distractions away (we will get more into this in another blog)

Don’t put it off

Procrastination is waiting until the last minute to do a task. Some say procrastination can be good —the truth is, it only makes it harder. The longer you wait to do something, the less likely you are to get it done. Your chances of success go down. The same is true with homework, so don’t wait. Do it as soon as you can!

Get help

Asking for help is not easy for a lot of people. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to connect with people who can help you.

For high school students that are enrolled at Grad Solutions, there is a resource called The HUB. It is a place built for studying, focus, support, and anything to help students succeed. If you’re not a current student at Grad Solutions, reach out to friends or other adults that want to see you succeed. More than likely, they will do what they can to help you reach your goals. 

Every person’s life journey is full of decision points where you need to make a choice. The choices are not always easy. You can choose to take the easy path that leads to nowhere good, or you can choose the harder path that will help you unlock future possibilities. Which one will you choose?


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