Your High School Diploma: It’s Never Too Late


Caroline Cook, a graduate of Grad Solutions, shared the story of her path to graduation and some words of wisdom for students as they embark on their next steps.

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Today marks one of the most important milestones in all of our lives. We graduated. We finally did it. Throughout all the chaos, pandemic, and a national emergency, we have focused on everything as well as our own lives just to get here. You have put in tears, time, effort, energy, and more tears into this school year than I’m sure you do standing in line at Chik-Fil-A. No, in all seriousness, we have all been granted an amazing opportunity to walk and graduate. An opportunity that so many unfortunately lost. So let’s make the most of it, for them and us. 

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I would like to say my journey with Grad Solutions was a cakewalk, but it wasn’t. It was full of challenges, misunderstandings of what I was being taught, and hard work. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Grad Solutions has offered me something I didn’t think I was going to be able to accomplish. They offered me kind hearts, open arms, understanding minds, and hard-working people full of support and love. I haven’t had the chance to meet every amazing soul behind this outstanding organization, but I have been able to meet a few. To those few, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being there. Thank you for helping. Thank you for doing your job. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for supporting us. Most of all, thank you for never giving up on me. Even when I gave up on myself, it was the most motivation you could have given me. 

I don’t think I would have been able to get through this without the help and support of my mentor, Christina Pfaff. Christina, you were one of my biggest supporters, and I couldn’t be more thankful for you. You went the extra mile to help me succeed. You called and checked in. You texted me. You sent motivational emails. You responded as fast as you could and helped to the best of your ability. You also became not only my school mentor but my friend as well. You didn’t just care about my school life. You also cared about my actual life, which made talking easier. You made me feel comfortable and proud to be who I am. You made me believe I could do this. Thank you so much for being my mentor, someone to talk to, and my friend. 

I dropped out of school at 18 because I thought it was best. I was wrong.  Instead, it led me on a long and very troublesome journey. I realized I needed my education to get where I would want to be in life. I moved to Arizona and reconnected with some old friends. One of which was a former student with Grad Solutions. I asked her where she went and how I could sign up. She helped me with what she could. Then, after a few tasks, I was enrolled. 

Here we are today. Now, we have to take the time to reflect on where we want to go from here. We could leave here to become a teacher, firefighter, military personnel, doctor, nurse, dentist, anything you can dream of. Grad Solutions has given you that chance. Take it and run with it. I know I am. 

After leaving here today, eyes full of tears, I will be moving on to become a Clinical Psychologist. I want to take my experiences in life and with Grad Solutions and put what I have learned out there. I have the confidence in myself now to believe that I am capable of anything. I want you all to look back on this day and think about everyone that helped you along the way. They will be the silent ones cheering you on in the future, watching every successful step you take. The inspiration I have received from the short time that I have been with Grad Solutions I will take with me into my future and put it to good use—using that inspiration to spread awareness of anything and everything. 

I want people to know that it is never too late to get your education, go for that career, or achieve your dreams. With the help and support of yourself and others, anything is possible. Before enrolling in Grad Solutions, I thought I was going to live the rest of my life with regret. Grad Solutions showed me that was not the case. I want everyone to know that; You CAN accomplish your dreams. You CAN move forward, and you WILL. You will succeed, and you will live a happy life. 

With this in mind, keep planning. Plan for your future, your dreams, even your next meal. Because you never know what the future will hold for you. I sure didn’t. Never would I have thought I would be standing here speaking at my graduation in front of my peers. I would have laughed if you told me that a year ago. 

Now, look at where we are. One last time, we did it. We graduated. Turn to your friends, family, and school staff and thank them. Without them, we wouldn’t be here today. Thank you all. Be the brightest future holders for this country you can be! Or, in the words of my mentor, Be the world-changer I know you can be. 

Congratulations to all of us. Congratulations to all of the people graduating in 2021 and who have graduated in 2020!

Look, mama, I made you proud!


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