5 Tips for Going Back to School


If you feel overwhelmed or uneasy about going back to school, you are not alone. After a couple of weeks at school, it is normal to feel like you are in one of those movies where the same day keeps happening over and over again. The repetitive day-to-day of juggling school, errands, homework, and more can be more mentally exhausting than you might think. You can help yourself by adjusting to going back to school - especially online school - by using these strategies to keep yourself on track.


It is essential to be patient and have compassion for yourself while you adjust to returning to school. It is normal to feel overstimulated by the stressors of school, so practicing self-care can be helpful:

  • Wear blue light glasses - Blue light glasses help reduce eye strain caused by looking at screens. Blue light glasses are associated with a 58% increase in nighttime melatonin levels for wearers, which helps promote sleep.

  • Snacking on nutrient-rich foods - Blood glucose instability can cause feelings of low energy, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and drowsiness, none of which aid in productive studying. However, snacking on foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes can help your body produce more glucose leading to higher energy levels and a stimulated metabolism. 

  • Stretching and moving around - Next time you find yourself losing focus while studying, give yourself 5 minutes to de-stress, stretch and move around. Research shows that physical activity while studying can increase your focus, increase your IQ, and optimize your brain functions. 

Use Your Resources

Do not be afraid to communicate with those around you and ask for help or advice. Whether that is your mentor, teacher, advisor, friend, family member, etc., communicating your struggles or questions to them will help you. Also, if you’re a mature student returning to school, don’t allow being older to keep you from asking questions and admitting gaps in your own knowledge. Getting in touch with your professors or mentors can also open the door to opportunities outside of the classroom like tutoring, counseling, and more! Grad Solutions offers a resource called The HUB, an environment built for studying, focus, support, and just about anything to help our students succeed. Students who take advantage of this resource can complete more of their classes in a single sitting than students studying at home independently.


From the time you are little, you benefit from having a structured day. One of the more effective ways to structure your day is going to bed around the same time. This is easier said than done, especially if you have children or a hefty work schedule. However, if you can try and follow a routine, the outcome is that our bodily functions and cycles operate efficiently, keeping our system strong and energized. Depending on your preference, try and put into place what you want to get done at the beginning of the week or day. You can even structure your day around short-term goals while including time for hobbies or leisure activities. Just remember that not everything can be controlled, and you might need to be flexible to adapt to unexpected situations. 

Not Being Scared of Failure

“Experience is something you do not get until right after you need it” - Sir Laurence Olivier.

It is important to understand that when it comes to school there are times when we all fail, we are wrong, and we make mistakes, but this is the only way we ultimately reach the goals we set for ourselves. Don’t look at making mistakes as failure, and instead as a part of learning in life. Moving forward, if you pay less attention to fear, the more strength, and confidence you will have when working towards completing your goals. 

Comfortable Workspace

When it comes to online schooling, a vital aspect to consider is creating the right kind of study environment. Something to consider is that you want to be comfortable, but not too comfortable to the point where you can easily take a nap or lose focus on your studies. Your study space should be organized and not cluttered with items or food that could possibly distract you, and it would help to have a calendar or planner to keep track of assignments. Another important thing is NOISE! It is okay to have background noise playing if that’s your style but make sure the noise that helps you - whether that is music or calming sounds. 

For more about comfortable workspaces, check out our blog Setting Up Your Online Learning Space.

Jovani Martinez

Jovani Martinez is a Corporate Marketing Coordinator. Jovani is a Chicago sports fan and loves a good book. On free days he enjoys binge-watching Survivor or checking out forest preserves in the area. If he could have any superpower, he would duplicate himself; this will allow him to be at work, grocery shopping, and watching a good Cubs game. If he could be any cartoon character, it would be Pumba from Lion King. If he could travel anywhere in the world, he would go to Isla de Pascua, also known as Easter Island.


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