Life is Hard but You Can Still Meet Your Goals

Have you ever experienced a tragedy? Something that was so difficult it made you feel like you were breaking? Did you ever think you would recover from it? 

Have you ever been involved in a serious accident that took years to recover from? Perhaps you went through the death of a loved one, experienced betrayal, were abandoned or abused. Sadly, the list of difficult life circumstances is long. So many of us experience deep pain from these sorts of events. 

Things Not Seen


The things that we experience in life can leave deep scars that are felt but not seen. The pain that is experienced can create a pit so deep, it must be filled in with something. As a result, some turn to alcohol, drugs or nicotine for relief. For others, an escape from the situation seems like the only solution. We end up doing things that we never thought we would do and those things can take us down a wrong path. 

Thankfully, even when we end up somewhere we didn’t intend to go, there are ways to come back from it. As hard as it can be to break away from the things weighing us down, we have opportunities to come back. There are programs and people available to help those struggling in life and get them back on track. 

Surviving When the Odds are Bad

baby Sea turtles face challenges

When baby green sea turtles hatch, their chance of survival is 1 in a thousand. As the hatchlings crawl out from their nest, they immediately face danger. The baby turtles attempt to get safely to the ocean, but seagulls, crabs, and other animals hunt the baby turtles and eat many of them. Once they’re in the water, hungry sharks prey on the turtles, usually eating another one third of them. Within their first few hours of life, baby sea turtles have to survive the most dangerous circumstances of their lives. 

Like with the baby sea turtles, life can throw some heavy things at us early on in life. While still learning about the world around us and before we are able to figure out who we are, we are forced to deal with some stuff. For the baby sea turtles that survive and make it to the ocean, they settle into sea life and can live to be one hundred years old. Like us, they continue to face predators (difficulties) in their lives, but many of them still make it through. 

Turning Things Around


There can be a temptation to give up when we face hardship. The weight of what we have gone through or currently going through can leave us feeling empty and/or hopeless. When you feel this way, remember that there is someone who cares about you and doesn’t want you to give up. There are many people who will be there to help you dig your way out.  

At Grad Solutions, our mentors are one of the most important parts of our program. They connect with students that might be struggling and give them a hand up. Our mentors genuinely want to know how students are doing and how they can help them stay on the right path. Ultimately, the goal is to see students succeed in school and in life. 

Know that you are more than your past. You can move on from what has weighed you down. You can do amazing things with your life. 


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