Words of Graduation Inspiration from Cecelia


At Grad Solutions, we are incredibly proud of our graduates and their journeys through earning their high school diplomas.

Photo of Cecelia Robilotto

Hello graduates and family, thank you so much for being here today. My name is Cecelia Robilotto. I honestly can't believe I am standing here right now in front of all of you. I was supposed to be a 2018 graduate, but that is not what ended up happening.

 I am a 6th-year senior.  It took me a while to find a high school that would work well for me. I had to drop out twice and attended four different schools before I found Grad Solutions. 

I have overcome a lot of obstacles in my high school career. I have battled through depression and anxiety and faced the grief of losing a loved one. 

Through all the bumps in the road, I overcame these obstacles with the help of my parents that never stopped believing in me - especially my mom. She always had my back and supported me down any path I decided to take. My brothers for always being good role models in their ways. My friends, for being there for me when I needed them and for being my second family. For Sue Paxton, she helped me finish my high school career.  For Terry, for being such an amazing mentor and for always being there whenever I needed her.

And last but not least, my grandmother Barbra Robilotto who could not be here tonight... She is busy playing slots at the big casino in the sky.

She, unfortunately, passed away this past February. My grandmother was my number one supporter.  She is one of the main reasons I am standing here today.  She motivated me to keep going and encouraged me not to give up.     

I finished high school on February 20th of 2020, right before the pandemic started and four days before my 20th birthday. Like so many others, I was worried we wouldn’t get this chance to celebrate. When I got the message that Grad Solutions was going to have a graduation, I was overjoyed.

Graduates walking in their caps and gowns into the building in the background, a sign in the foreground that reads: “Welcome: The celebration starts here!”

This is the moment that I’ve been waiting for. This is the reason why I pushed through everything and worked hard. This cap and gown isn’t just a cap and gown to me. It is the symbolism of my accomplishment. So many people told me to just ditch the diploma route and get my GED instead, but I didn’t listen to them. I knew I was capable of finishing high school and getting my diploma. I just needed the extra push and time to get to where I’m at.

I wouldn’t have changed the way I did things at all. I am happy I kept pushing through. I ignored all of the negative feedback and used it as a reason to keep working hard. I wanted to give up so many times, but I didn’t let myself. I didn’t give myself the option to give up. I wanted to get that piece of paper and this cap and gown. Because it’s not just a piece of paper,  I understand that graduation wasn’t the best for a lot of people, but for me… this is closure. This is one of my greatest accomplishments to date. 

I also just wanted to take a moment to commend my fellow graduates who are here today, sharing this experience with me. I can almost guarantee that this was not easy for anyone. This was probably one of the hardest things to achieve. I want you all to look around you, and to look at yourself. You did it. You pushed through and worked so hard to get to where you are now. I, for one, am proud of each one of you. Remember, this is just the beginning. This, right here, is just the start of something huge. 

Don’t stop here. Keep pushing through. Keep doing things that are hard to do. Do you know why? Because that piece of paper in your hand is proof that you can overcome anything if you put your mind to it. Every one of you is smart and able to achieve great things in life. Let this be the reason for you to keep going on to bigger and better things.

So as you go on to your next stage in life, I want you all to look back on this day and remember it with a smile. Remember it, because this is one of your first huge accomplishments. Forget about all the hard times in school and remember how all your work paid off. Congratulations on your graduation and the best of luck with your life adventures. 

Grad Solutions is so incredibly proud of our graduates and grateful when they choose to celebrate their accomplishments with us.


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